3 Fun Facts About Air Conditioning!
As the summer marches on, we wanted to share some fun and interesting facts about air conditioning that you might not know. Check these out:
Summer Blockbusters: Air conditioning played a huge role in the rise of summer blockbuster movies! In the 1930s, people flocked to air-conditioned theaters to escape the heat, making summer a prime time for big movie releases.
Presidential Cool: The White House first got air conditioning in 1929 during the presidency of Herbert Hoover (pictured here on the big screen). It was installed to help him cope with the intense summer heat.
Comfort at Home: In 1960, only 12% of U.S. homes had air conditioning. Today, that number is over 87%! We’ve come a long way in keeping our homes comfortable.
At Home Care Heating & Air, we’re passionate about keeping your home cool and comfortable. Need a tune-up or new installation? Give us a call and let us take care of all your cooling needs! You can reach us at (952) 222-8815.